How Coronavirus Changed the Lunch Breaks at Schools

  This is what a reopened elementary school in China is doing to prevent the spread of coronavirus among students. According to the news article, the students usually go out to play while the other half have their lunch. But, on the day that the video was recorded, the weather wasn't good and all of the students stayed in the classrooms. It must've been pretty harsh for such little kids to control themselves and hold their hungry stomachs until their classmates finish the food. They look so well behaved. 

Lunch time in a primary school in China

  One of the reopened high schools in China set up dividers like study rooms on the tables and assigned individual students to each seat.  Just like one for a test. 

Lunch time in a high school in China

  Another high school in China not only had dividers on the tables, but also printed study material on the dividers so that the students can study while eating.

 Lunch time in a high school in China
  All of these scenes show how this pandemic has changed the school customs and lifestyle.

A school in Taipei, Taiwan
